Fahlo QR Code: A New Take on Wildlife Conservation

Saving our planet’s wildlife is a worthy cause, and many individuals and organizations are behind it. Thanks to bracelets from this lifestyle brand, you can even join in the effort, but in style.
Fahlo, formerly Wildlife Collections, is a brand dedicated to raising money and awareness for the conservation of Earth’s animals. Over the years, they’ve experienced a rapid rise in popularity, with a recent spike in interest in the last year.
The reason? Their unique bracelets and how they contribute to conservation efforts.
These aren’t just meant to freshen up a person’s look for the day. Each Fahlo QR code, when scanned, allows the buyer to track a specific animal through the Fahlo Animal Tracker app.
Each product is made from natural stone or glass, depending on the bracelet's color. They can be purchased from Fahlo’s website, the websites of the non-profit organizations the brand partners with, or through online retailers like Amazon.
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Fahlo’s genius strategy to conserve wildlife

How are QR codes from a QR code generator with logo integration helping stone and glass bracelets save Earth’s animals? The answer lies in Fahlo’s strategy.
With every purchase, Fahlo donates a portion of the revenue to its partner organizations, which use the donations to fund their conservation efforts.
For example, Polar Bears International partnered with Fahlo for their Save the Polar Bears campaign.
During the campaign, Fahlo donated 10% of the proceeds to the group, which helped them continue monitoring polar bears in Western Hudson Bay, an area of particular concern due to reduced sea ice caused by global warming.
“We are proud to work with a business that shares our commitment to polar bear conservation,” Krista Wright, Executive Director of Polar Bears International, said at the time.
“Their generosity will allow us to continue to grow our community and strengthen our movement in support of the actions necessary to protect the long-term survival of polar bears throughout the Arctic.”
Fahlo’s contribution to conservation efforts goes beyond donations to non-profit organizations, however. With every bracelet bought, the brand uses its corresponding location QR code to increase awareness of wildlife conservation.
Each bracelet comes with a card with a QR code and a description of the specific animal the QR code tracks. When buyers scan the QR code with the Animal Tracker app, they are provided with a 3D map that shows their animal's current and previous locations.
It is important to note that each bracelet does not track its own animal. While the QR codes track several animals from different species, people who buy Fahlo’s bracelets can end up “sharing” an animal.
This means that several people can keep track of one particular animal as it journeys through its habitat. This has already allowed buyers to connect as they track their shared animal through Fahlo’s app, as seen in the comments in several TikTok videos.
Saving animals one scan at a time with a Fahlo QR code

According to Fahlo, “The more we educate and inspire about conservation, the bigger our impact.”
With that, the brand has partnered with 14 organizations whose sole purpose is the protection of wild animals worldwide. Each organization focuses on one species of animal, and Fahlo creates several bracelet designs for each.
Since its founding in 2018, Fahlo has donated over $3 million to its partner organizations.
Aside from efforts to conserve wildlife, many of these organizations also conduct research on the animals they protect. Purchases of Fahlo’s animal tracking bracelets and other merchandise also help fund these efforts.
Through their studies, groups like Polar Bears International and Save the Elephants help the world better understand animal behavior in their habitats.
An example of groundbreaking research from these organizations is a recent study by Save the Elephants, Colorado State University, and ElephantVoices.
The results of their research reveal that elephants use specific calls to address one another. Known as “vocal labels”, these vocalizations are similar to a human name, suggesting that elephants have independently developed a mechanism for addressing individual elephants.
According to Save the Elephants, understanding elephants on this level allows them to create better conservation strategies.
Wildlife location tracking via QR code technology
Tracking the locations of animals as they navigate their native habitats provides researchers and conservationists with knowledge that helps them understand and protect wildlife.
Through Fahlo’s bracelets, the average person can contribute to this in a way that gives them an idea of the efforts being taken to preserve animal life. They also serve as educational experiences, bringing insight into where their chosen animal goes throughout the year.
While Fahlo’s QR codes are more like records of previous locations than real-time location monitoring, they do highlight how versatile QR codes can be.
Not only are they useful in directing scanners to a location on the map, but they are also helpful in protecting the ecosystems of our world.
Thanks to Fahlo’s innovative use of QR code technology, the world is not only a little closer to conserving life as we know it but also to adopting QR codes as a norm.