GS1 Digital Link Explained: The Future of Connected Products

GS1 Digital Link Explained: The Future of Connected Products

The GS1 Digital Link QR code just might be the simplest yet most advanced game-changer for business communications, from production to distribution.

More than just a barcode, it connects physical items on the web, allowing brand owners, retailers, and consumers to access up-to-date information on the internet. This makes it vital to trade and commerce worldwide.

In this article, we go over what this digital link is, what makes it tick, how to use a dynamic QR code generator with logo in creating it, and what makes it groundbreaking. 

Table of Contents

    1. GS1 background
    2. What is a GS1 digital link?
    3. Do I have to use GS1?
    4. What does the GS1 digital link syntax look like?
    5. GS1 barcode example
    6. What are the benefits of GS1 barcode usage?
    7. Where is the GS1 standard used?
    8. How do I get a GS1 barcode?
    9. Join the shift to GS1 barcodes with QR TIGER QR Code Generator

GS1 background

GS1 is an international non-profit organization that develops and maintains global barcode standards. Their goal is to make businesses operate safely and efficiently by seamlessly connecting the physical and digital worlds.

Standards like the GS1 barcode have been widely adopted all over the world. The GS1 is also the official supplier of Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs), European Article Numbers (EANs), and Universal Product Codes (UPCs).

What is a GS1 digital link?

In inventory management, looking for and tracking items is normally done with a huge database that holds information on every item.

Each item has a code, usually a barcode, that personnel can scan. The scanning device then looks for the code in the database before displaying relevant information on a screen.

While industries have worked well like this for decades, GS1 aims to make this system even better. To do that, they came up with the digital link.

The Digital Link is a standard for encoding information into barcodes as part of a web address. By creating barcodes this way, businesses can use the vast world of the Internet as their database instead.

Information that is usually encoded into a digital link include:

  • Unique identifiers like GTINs
  • Use-by dates
  • Nutritional information
  • Medical product data
  • Troubleshooting instructions

Do I have to use GS1?

Product packaging QR code

At the moment, many businesses do well enough with using a QR code generator to make their barcodes. 

However, industries all over the world have been complying with GS1 standards for a long time. Conforming to the same standards will allow you to work with your industry peers easily and efficiently.

What’s more, changes to information technology are coming with Sunrise 2027. This global initiative by the barcode industry aims to integrate GS1 2D barcodes into existing point-of-sale systems. 

This initiative doesn’t immediately phase out 1D barcodes and standard QR codes. However, conforming with GS1 standards to help your business prepare is still a good idea.

A digital link usually follows a standard syntax known as the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).  This syntax is made up of several components that, when combined, provide users with information regarding the product.

The components of a digital link are:

  • Domain: The company’s web domain.
  • Primary Identification Key: A key that indicates which GS1 Application Identifier (AI) is being used (GTIN-13, GTIN-14, SSCC, etc).
  • Identifier: The actual product identification number.
  • Qualifiers: Optional identifying information like batch numbers and serial numbers.
  • Attributes: Optional information like weight, dimensions, and use-by dates.

GS1 barcode example

Global standards one digital link

Below is what a web address for a would look like:

“” is the company’s web domain while “01” is the Primary Identification Key. In this case, it indicates that the next part of the URL is the item’s GTIN. “234567/89” is the item’s identifier.

The rest of the URL consists of the item’s qualifiers and attributes. “ABCD” would be the item’s product variant. “24/14082024” would be the item’s batch and serial number. Lastly, “10=1532” would include additional information on the item.

What are the benefits of GS1 barcode usage?

Now that we’ve covered what makes the digital link work, let’s look into why businesses are planning to incorporate GS1 QR codes into their operations. 

More efficient business operations

Several brands, including Nestle, Alibaba, and Walmart use GS1 barcodes in their businesses. Their reason? GS1 barcodes simply make their operations more efficient. 

No matter what industry a business is in, it will always need to keep track of its inventory. With GS1 barcodes, you can identify products easily, and other businesses can. 

Because it is a global standard, any business entity can track your products worldwide. Additionally, this can be done in real-time. With accurate data being gathered constantly, supply chains between businesses and deliveries to customers are optimized. 

Improved product packaging

Improved product packaging

Information such as ID numbers, dimensions, and weight can take up a lot of space on product packages. This can be an issue with small packages where you might not be able to include as much information as you’d like.

With GS1 barcodes made with QR TIGER, you can save space on your packages while also providing every piece of information.

Safety and security

As a business owner, it’s important to protect your brand. One way to do this is to secure every aspect of your operations. This doesn’t just mean physical security either since your business is also at risk in the digital space.

This is where GS1 barcodes come in. First of all, GS1 and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have long collaborated with one another. In fact, GS1 has adopted several ISO standards over the years.

Secondly, the identifying information that can be found in GS1 barcodes helps consumers identify counterfeit products. It also protects them from the purchasing of expired or recalled items.

Increased consumer engagement

Your customers will always be happy to learn more about your products. To give them everything they need to know, you can encode the information in a GS1 QR code. With a single scan, anyone can gain access to valuable information in the blink of an eye. 

Using GS1 barcodes goes beyond the sharing of information. By providing this means of communication with your brand, you create a fun and engaging interaction with your customers.

Future-proofing and compliance

We’ve already mentioned how the QR will replace the barcode in point-of-sale systems after 2027. While that time hasn’t come yet, many brands are beginning the transition to 2D barcodes in a bid to stay competitive.

Doing the same for your business allows you to stay up-to-date with the trends of the business world.

Aside from staying competitive, different regulations may require the use of GS1 barcodes. While not directly mandating their use, some regulations require product transparency, especially in the food and beverage industries. These will only drive more businesses to use QR codes vs barcodes.

GS1 barcodes are the perfect way to provide the level of transparency required by different regulations.

Traceability and trust

Previously, we talked about how using GS1 barcodes leads to increased engagement with customers. Now, we’ll talk about how it builds trust with your consumer base.

One of the many benefits of GS1 barcode usage is the ability to track products. With a Digital Link, you allow everyone, even your customers, to trace the origins of your products. 

Aside from knowing where it came from, they can learn about the components or ingredients used in making it. 

Knowing more about something always builds your confidence in it. By offering your customers access to more product information, you encourage them to trust your brand and its products.

Real-time data gathering

By making GS1 barcodes with a dynamic QR code generator, you can gain access to real-time data gathering. 

Whenever customers scan your code, you can learn about when and where it was scanned, how many times it was scanned, and which devices were used. You can also integrate your QR codes into Google Analytics for more comprehensive reports.

You can use this information in your marketing campaigns, further boosting your business’s revenue.

Where is the GS1 standard used?

Applications of global standards one

With so many benefits, you might be curious about how the GS1 standard can be applied in practice. Well, here are just a few ways it is used in real life:


From the GS1 barcode example we provided, you can see how easy it is to provide product-specific information to customers. This is why retailers have been using them on their product packaging.

With the GS1 standard, they can lessen the text on their packaging and save money on printing.


In this digital age, there is a growing demand for information about medicine and medical devices. To make it easier to find this information, a GS1 Digital Link QR code can be used. 

By placing GS1 QR codes on prescription medications, healthcare professionals can quickly identify the right drug for their patients. 

As for machines, patients can learn more about devices that will be used in their treatment with a single scan with their smartphones.


Being able to track the components involved in the manufacturing of a product is of utmost importance. In fact, it is what led to the development of the QR code. 

Paired with the knowledge on how do QR codes work, GS1 barcodes have become the norm for several manufacturers. 

Food and drink industry

With how much knowledge you can gain from the packages of your favorite foods and drinks, it only makes sense to pack them into a single QR code. 

GS1 barcodes can include more information on your product’s nutrition labels like where your ingredients were sourced.

Fashion and apparel

With a QR code generator with logo integration, GS1 standards can be used to track clothing shipments across the supply chain. 

Barcodes are also helpful in fulfilling orders and correctly identifying articles of clothing during inventory management.

How do I get a GS1 barcode?

To generate GS1 QR codes, you first need to get a GS1 Company Prefix from a GS1 member organization. Once you have one, you can then assign identification numbers to your products. 

Once you’ve assigned ID numbers to your items, generate a barcode with the following steps:

  1. Visit a GS1 QR code generator available online.
  2. Provide your product’s information.
  3. Generate the QR code and personalize its design. 
  4. Perform a scan test to see if the code works.
  5. Download your QR code and start labeling.

Join the shift to GS1 barcodes with QR TIGER QR Code Generator

With Sunrise 2027 on the horizon, many businesses have taken it upon themselves to adapt to the changing times. 

While 2D barcodes won’t be replacing their 1D counterparts any time soon, the benefits of using two-dimensional codes make them the better tool. 

Why not use our platform to join this transition into using the GS1 Digital Link in your business? 

Trusted by 850,000 brands worldwide, the GDPR-compliant and ISO-certified software has everything you need to create QR codes.

Get started on your QR code journey and create one for free today.

(As a welcome gift, you can claim a $7 discount on any plans you purchase. Refer a friend and get free months from us.)

Brabds using QR codes

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