How to Enable SCIM Provisioning in OKTA

How to config OKTA SCIM Provisioning

- SCIM connector base URL: (the endpoint used to manage user or group identities)
- Unique identifier field for users: userName
- Enable provisioning actions: "Push New Users", "Push Profile Updates", "Push Groups"
- Authentication Mode: Select HTTP Header
- Authorization: Bearer "Api Key" (Find the API key in your QRTiger Enterprise account Setting --> Plan)

- Click Test Connector Configuration to verify the connection with QRTiger

How to add Users and assign to app in Okta?
1. Navigate to the Directory --> People tab from the left side menu and click on Add person.

2. Fill User detail in the form like First name, Last name, Username and Primary email. Then click Save.

3. Navigate again to Applications -- > Applications and select your Application
- Go to Assignments tab → Assign → Assign to People

4. Click on Assign button and it will show a popup form.

5. Verify all User attributes and change the value of User type to "Admin", "Editor" or "Viewer". Then Save the form and it will automatically create a user in QRTiger.

6. Verify this User in QRTiger dashboard --> Setting --> Team --> Active Team Members tab.

How to add Groups and assign people to Group in Okta?

- Go to Assignments tab → Assign → Assign to Group → Select Group

- Select the Group and click Assign

- Click Save and Go Back

- Group assigned to the app. Now we will Push this Group to QRTiger dashboard

4. Push this Group to QRTiger dashboard
- Go to Push Groups tab → Click Push Groups → Find group by Name → Select group then Save

- Search the Group by name and click save. Now your Group has been created in QRTiger dashboard.

- Verify this Group in QRTiger dashboard --> Setting --> Team --> Group tab.

- Now you can add/remove users to groups, then it will automatically update to your QR TIGER enterprise account

Learn how to integrate Okta SSO with QR TIGER using this guide: Enterprise SSO Guide.