How to Create a Custom QR Code Periodic Table with Symbols

How to Create a Custom QR Code Periodic Table with Symbols

Enrich your learning experience about chemical elements using a QR code periodic table with symbols—an innovative instrument that bridges the gap between traditional learning and technology.

Beyond the static periodic table, you can access a treasure trove of information about the elements’ characteristics and significance with just a scan using a smartphone.

Whether you’re an instructor, researcher, or student, this dynamic tool fosters interactive lessons beyond a static textbook’s confines.  

Creating QR codes for this unique chemical elements chart is also simple, using an advanced QR code generator with a logo. Keep reading to learn more. 

A QR code upgrade of the periodic table of elements

The periodic table consists of numerous elements, each with its unique name and symbol, and for some, memorizing these names and symbols can be daunting. 

The addition of a color QR code linking supplementary online resources to each element in the chart allows users to learn more about the properties and applications of the chemical element in a scan. 

The QR codes for all 118 elements, which are color-coded, also help individuals determine and memorize their placements on the chart.

This integration allows learners, educators, and enthusiasts to delve deeper into chemistry, gaining access to more comprehensive information beyond what a regular periodic table can offer.

Real use cases of a QR code periodic table with symbols

Imagine having a periodic table that gives you more details than just each element’s atomic numbers and symbols. This is the advantage QR codes bring to the usual element chart.

Take a look at these three periodic table charts that use QR codes to provide a more informative, interactive, and immersive learning experience:

Walls360 periodic table of the elements

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Artist Yiying Lu, co-founder and creative director of Walls360, made an interactive periodic table of elements by embedding QR codes in each element and elemental group.

Each QR code leads to a corresponding Wikipedia page of an element or group that provides further details about them. You can’t find that in a standard periodic table of elements chart.

Periodic table of videos

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The University of Nottingham released the Periodic Table of Videos—a periodic table composed of QR codes instead of the usual atomic symbols.

These QR codes redirect scanners to short YouTube videos of Australian-British filmmaker Brady Haran explaining and showing experimentations of real working chemists from the university.

QR-coded audio periodic table

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Vasco D. B. Bonifácio, a researcher and faculty member of the Chemistry Department of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa in Caparica, Portugal, developed a QR-coded audio periodic table of the elements.

The purpose of creating this periodic table is to make chemistry learning accessible to blind and visually impaired students. 

The QR codes lead scanners to the “Chemistry in its Element” podcast by the Royal Chemistry Society (RSC). 

Other creative ways to use QR codes for a periodic table of elements with names and symbols

With QR codes, you can make the periodic table a more engaging and tech-savvy educational tool for everyone interested in chemistry. Here are some creative ways to use them:

Periodic table of elements wall

Install a big periodic table of elements made of QR codes on the wall and let students delve deeper into the world of chemistry when they scan them.

Link these QR codes to supplementary resources and multimedia content that offer individuals comprehensive data about each element, such as their properties, history, and real-life uses.

Lab safety cards

Develop lab safety cards with QR codes for each chemical element to give your students, colleagues, and lab personnel quick access to safety guidelines, handling instructions, and first aid measures.

With this, they become more aware of potential hazards associated with each chemical element, promoting a culture of safety consciousness and preparedness during experimentations.

Blank periodic table PDF quiz

Conduct a fill-in-the-blanks quiz about the chemical elements chart, and use a password protected QR code to make it more fun and thrilling.

Students must analyze questions and use the correct answer as the key to access the QR code.

They have to input it as the password to access detailed information about the particular element.

Or you can use multiple passworded QR codes for a time-pressured quiz. Each QR code leads to a question, and its answer serves as the password for the next QR code, which contains the next question. The first to answer all questions wins.

This kind of quiz helps assess and reinforce their knowledge of the periodic table

Elemental mystery challenges 

Have a daily or weekly elemental mystery challenge in your class and provide your students with clues accessible through QR codes. 

This encourages them to delve deeper into elements and scan the QR codes to uncover clues, sparking their curiosity and interest in discovering new information.

Since the number of elements in the periodic table is 118, you can feature different chemical elements and provide diverse content about them over time.

Interactive scavenger hunt

You can organize a scavenger hunt inside or outside your classroom by disintegrating the periodic table of elements made of QR codes and spreading them around for students to search.

Link the clues or questions about the elements’ properties, history, or applications into the QR codes, prompting students to scan and learn as they progress in the game.

How to create a QR code periodic table with symbols for FREE using QR TIGER

Creating a periodic table of elements made of QR codes is simpler than conducting a scientific experiment! You only need to use a reliable QR code software to do so.

And the best part is you can do this without spending a single dime. Simply follow this step-by-step guide:

1. Go to QR TIGER QR Code Generator—the most advanced QR code software online.

2. Click the URL QR code solution and input the link to the webpage about an element’s complete details.

3. Select Static QR and click Generate QR code.

4. Customize the QR code. Change its color and add the particular symbol of the element the QR code leads to.

5. Run a scan test to see if your QR code is working.

6. Select a format for your QR code. PNG works best for digital use, while SVG is more suitable for print materials.

7. Click Download. Doing so will take you to the Plans & pricing page. Simply scroll down and enter your email in the designated area to receive your free generated QR code.

Attach the QR codes to a complete or blank periodic table PDF and let others use the chart during classes, quizzes, and research studies. 

Create QR codes in one batch using the bulk QR code generator

Instead of creating the QR codes one by one for your periodic table of elements, you can generate multiple QR codes for each chemical element in one go. 

QR TIGER’s advanced bulk QR code tool lets you do so in seconds. You can enjoy this feature with an Advanced or Premium plan.

Wondering how to create QR codes in bulk and avoid hassle? Check out this guide:

1. Log into your QR TIGER account. On the top banner, click Products and select Bulk QR Code Generator from the dropdown menu.

2. Download the software’s CSV template, fill it out with the necessary data, and save. 

3. Upload the CSV file to the software. Select Static QR, then click Generate QR code.

4. Customize the QR code. You can change the color and add a logo to it.

5. Run a scan test to see if it’s working. After that, select the print layout and download your QR codes.

Note: You’ll get a .zip file containing your generated QR codes. Simply extract them to get the QR codes.

Dynamic QR codes for periodic table charts: What makes them better?

You can also use a dynamic QR code when creating a periodic table of elements with names and symbols. This advanced QR code type has features that can make your chart even more engaging.

How do dynamic QR codes work their magic? Let’s discuss each of their features below.


You can edit the content of a chemical element’s dynamic QR code without generating a new one.

Once you update the information, the changes take effect immediately, and anyone scanning the QR code from that point onwards can access the new content.

This feature simplifies managing QR codes, particularly when information needs periodic updates.

Tracking and analytics

Monitor the number, time, language, and location of scans and gather insights into the performance and usage of the QR code periodic table with symbols using the dynamic QR code’s tracking and analytic feature. 

For instance, you can track using a QR code Google Analytics to check the number of scans on your periodic table QR codes and see whether it’s getting engagement from your students or other target audiences.

QR code expiry

You can set your QR codes to expire using the expiry feature of a dynamic QR code. 

When the QR code expires, it automatically deactivates and, depending on the creator, subsequent scans will direct users to an alternate landing page or display a custom message indicating expiration.

This is beneficial when conducting time-limited chemistry quizzes and exams. 

Password protection

Protect confidential information about the chemical elements compiled on your laboratory’s QR-coded periodic table of elements using the dynamic QR codes’ password protection feature.

This added layer of security requires authorized personnel to enter the correct password before accessing the content of the QR code.

Scan reports via email

Dynamic QR codes have an email feature that allows you to receive reports summarizing the scan data and analytics directly in your email inbox. 

With this, you can stay informed about the performance and usage of your QR codes without having to log in to a separate dashboard constantly. 

You can customize the frequency of email reports: daily, weekly, or monthly.

Best dynamic QR code solutions from QR TIGER

QR TIGER is the best QR code generator that provides advanced dynamic QR code solutions to create the QR codes for your periodic table of elements. Here are the best ones from our software:

File QR code

The file QR code solution offers a versatile and comprehensive approach to providing detailed information about the periodic trends of the chemical elements.

It supports various file types, such as PDF, Word, and Excel documents, video in MP4 format, and images in JPEG and PNG.

Using this QR code solution, you can direct users to comprehensive visual, textual, or multimedia information, enhancing their understanding of each element on the periodic table. 

Landing page QR code

Using the landing page QR code solution, you can create a custom landing page QR code for each of the chemical elements of the QR code periodic table with symbols that contain comprehensive information about them. 

There’s no need to buy a domain or hire a programmer. You can design your layout and organization of content with an intuitive and visually appealing interface using the available customization tools on the software.

With this, you can effortlessly distribute different educational resources about a particular chemical element among students, colleagues, or peers in a single scan.

MP3 QR code

Create an audio-based QR Code periodic table with symbols by storing audio content for each chemical element in a QR code using the MP3 QR code solution. This solution allows you to convert audio files in MP3 or WAV format. 

Converting audio explanations about the periodic table of elements into a QR code makes information accessible to individuals with visual impairments and auditory learners. 

Google Forms QR code

Link your periodic table of elements quiz into a QR code using the Google Forms QR code solution. 

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to make a QR code for a Google Form because it’s really simple.

Just go to the Google Forms platform and create individual questionnaires. Copy and paste the links into the software to convert them into QR codes.

When users scan the QR codes, they can answer questions that assess their knowledge or understanding of each chemical element. 

Decode the world of chemical elements with QR codes

Developing a QR Code periodic table with symbols transforms the conventional periodic table into a tech-savvy gateway to a wealth of knowledge.

This innovation makes learning chemistry more engaging and convenient. People can learn more than just an element’s atomic number or chemical symbol. In one scan, they can access all the details to explore.

All in all, this incorporation creates an engaging learning experience, encouraging more people to explore and inquire into the world of chemistry.

Create your own periodic table of QR codes by visiting the QR TIGER QR Code Generator. Sign up for an account and access the dynamic QR code solutions for free through the freemium plan.

Frequently asked questions

What are the labels on the periodic table?

Labels on the periodic table provide essential information about each element, helping users understand and study the chemical elements’ properties, behavior, and characteristics. 

The labels on the periodic table of elements typically include the following:

  • Symbol
  • Atomic number
  • Element name 
  • Atomic mass
  • Element groups and periods
  • Physical state at room temperature

How to read a periodic table?

Each chemical element has a unique symbol. Above the symbol is the atomic number. The chemical elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. 

Those in the same row have the same physical properties or energy level, while those in the same column are in the same group, reacting similarly to other elements.

Brands using QR codes

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